Leylia's Nook

Ramblings of two cute dorks

Tuesday, July 31, 2001

Whats a sprite to say?

My boyfriend has this uncanny ability to express what I am feeling, right when I am going to express it! While infuriating, this trait is also charming and extremely handy. It is handy because I am not exactly great at expressing my emotions when needed. Shocking, I know. If you knew me, anonymous blog readers, you would know that I am a very open and loud person. It is not easy for me to admit that I am, plain and simple, a, shall we say "complicated" person to date?! I have a tendency to cheat on my significant others, no matter how much I care about them. I really don't know why... It could be because of my early sexual experiences, it could be because I am just plain horny alot. I dunno... I could write "could be" forever, thats not the point. So what is the damn point already, right O' patient reader?! The point is that Chris is unbelievable. I don't know how he does it. Sometimes, in my rather selfish moments, I don't care how he puts up with me, I just want him to keep it up. He calls it "Loving" me, cute, huh? But seriously, Chris is the sweetest man I have ever known. I don't mean that statement lightly, I have known a lot of sweet men with good intentions. Chris surpasses them all. Alright, now I have to admit I am getting a little mushy there. So what? I miss the guy! (Hon, we really need liscenses, we are in college, for Moon's sake!)

You are truly and honestly the nicest man I have ever known. Even though sometimes I don't understand us, it doesn't mean that I don't want an "us". Do you remember that night, just a short while ago, in our room at school? You said that you thought that it might be "fairer" to me for us not to be together. Well listen up! Just because I am a spoiled princess, (a cute princess, but a princess all the same) doesn't mean that I love you any less, or that I love our relationship any less. This relationship takes work. All relationships do. As a sexy man once put it, that is not a revelation. I honestly feel that our relationship is worth the work. No, fuck feel. I KNOW that our relationship is worth it. A few fights are healthy. Its natural. Its how we handle them, personally and together, that determines the outcome, not the fight itself. I love you sweetie, and I promise to keep trying. You are right 6 months sounds short, feels long, but should be longer. I don't care if everyone in my family (Momma, Chrissie, Adam) make fun of me - I am proud of us!!! This is a milestone, dammit! I know we will see more.

"The adventure continues..."
Love ya,

From the Elf:

I'd be lying if I said that my relationship has been perfect. If it was perfect, I'd be scared.

I don't know how people can go through a relationship, call it perfect, and then at the first sign of serious trouble, cut it loose. It doesn't make sense. Anything that's important takes work. You can't expect roses and smiles all the time. Sometimes, you're going to have thorns and thunderclouds.

This isn't revolutionary thinking but it applies perfectly to me. Elizabeth and I have had our fair share fights. We've been angry with each other, we've hurt each other, and we've both done things that we regret. And yet, we've never gone to bed with a fight unresolved. We've never been so angry with each other that we've refused to work it out. And there's never been a time in my life where I've been happier.

6 months. Holy shite. I'm still surprised sometimes that we've lasted this long. Yet, cosidering how we both feel, 6 months doesn't seem like the right amount of time. Maybe if we threw the word "years" in there instead of months it would feel right. But regardless, I'd just like to say that through all the thunderclouds and lightning storms, we've only grown tighter together. I hope that whatever happens, we don't let this thing slip away. It seems too precious and too rare to just let it go.

Here's to 6 months love. May we continue to grow together and continue to believe that whereever we are, there is home.

Devotedly yours,

Monday, July 30, 2001

Oh Geez....
Now that it is an obvious fact that I have absloutely NO knowledge of Web publishing, err *cough* especially in the area of links I would like to point out that tha last two links for visual paradox work, they just don't look like it.. i.e. or is it e.g. (?) there is no text pic, but it works. So give it a try. After all, if you stumbled upon this blog, you MUST have a little spare time on your hands.

Your faithful web idiot,

Friday, July 20, 2001

Well I screwed up :-)

Visual Paradox - Free 3D Wallpaper

Visual Paradox - Free 3D Wallpaper

Visual Paradox - Free 3D Wallpaper

Saturday, July 14, 2001

Thank you SO super much for yesterday honey. I guess I should just chalk it up to experience, right? I really thought that getting another hole in my ear would be pretty much harmless, boy was I wrong! :-( And as a great man once wrote to me, "The Adventure continues...." I will need help with my damn ear everyday and I know you don't mind, but thanks just the same anyways. Kinda sad that I am mostly pissed because now I have to get up earlier! UGH. At least I have something to gross people out with now! Hee, hee.. I'm so wicked! ;-) Love ya,
*wings spread tentatively*

My own certain creation... the perfect expression of the woman within

Wednesday, July 11, 2001

From the Elf:

=) Well, now that that little bit is done, I suppose I shalt have to respond. Ta-da! I am not a one post fling! And for all of you who thought that I was well.......so did I ;-)

Well, that little bit of astrological prediction is scary. Pretty accurate. So,,,, you don't want to wait ;-) Well that works fine by me! I honestly don't mind having a beautiful woman strip me and tie me.... uh...... nevermind =).

I'm actually starting to really like this Blogger thing. It's awesome! Great idea again baby. I hope you get that job with Strickland. Man, planning a class already? And at a college level? Hmmmmmmm....and there are doubts as to whether you'll be a teacher or not? I don't think so. Hopefully, these college kids will prepare you for the terrors of a first grade classroom (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! j/k =) ) I know you're not actually teaching the class, but still. It's pretty damn cool and I haven't heard of anyone else who did this. Hope it all works out.

K, I'm gonna go now. Don't let me outstip you in posting things now. I just might start getting ahead *mwoi hoi hoi hoi* See ya later Sprite. Love ya.

Some ugly white guy who keeps entering your room without knocking =)

From the Elf:

The Road is neither straight, nor winding, nor does it even seem to make sense at times. No matter who you are, you will trip on it (probably cause you're a klutz). Don't be afraid to make a fool out of yourself on it when its a dark and moonlit night and you feel like dancing. Any other time is fine too. Logic works at points but at some times, you have to jump off of it and fly into the woods on either side. Just a bit of a rambling from a guy stumbling down a forest road, swatting 80 million flies away =)

Hi Baby...
Sorry I can't write a long note, really sorry sweetie! Are you sure you are not just a one post night stand??? ;-) J/k love. I know you will be back. But in the meantime.. read this, it seems so accurate for this week. Tell me .. err... write me what you think. Love ya Elf.

Passionscope (by astronet.com)
The Moon is in the mood for romance. And since she's in a fire sign like yourself, you probably will be, too. This emotional lady will set off for impulsive Aries this evening, the kind of sign that never did know how to wait -- for anything. If you're feeling especially eager to see your sweetie, don't let minor obstacles stand in the way. Jump in the car and get over there.

Lovescope (by astronet.com)
You're unusually emotional and sensitive this week, and unless you express those emotions to your loved one, your feelings could get hurt, and your pride will suffer as a result. You want to be nurtured, so open yourself to others and let them give you what you need. This week let your heart do the talking. Leos are ready to roll the dice in their search for new relationships. Many of those who decide to gamble with love will win big, but they have to play smart and know when to pass. Over the weekend you're less likely to react spontaneously. You'll pause and try to rationalize your emotions, and you won't be so quick to make commitments. This is a time when you could acquire significant friendships.

Tuesday, July 03, 2001


I just wrote a whole thing for the website and it didn't publish, it just erased it. Ack. Okay, lets try this again. I'm just going to itierate quickly in case it doesn't work again.

1.) I'm still mad about the whole Geoff thing but I'm getting over. A few unresolved issues but I'm working on it.

2.) I love you very very much

3.) Sorry about our anniversary. I know I didn't do anything spectacular even though our anniversary day was a blast! =) I'm working on something and you can check the Nook to find out when it's done.

4.) Love my haircut and hope you had a great time with Melissa even though you had to work. And only 3 more days 'till Adam gets here!

5.) Gotta get in the Shower and come up and see you cause its been two hours and I miss you insanely (pathetic, huh). Keep flying baby *lands light kiss on wings*

6.) I love you

7.) P.S. Add www.pointcom.com to your list of search engines

Okay, lets try this and looking around I think I know what I did. Same way I screwed it up before =) Honey, you're dating a dork. Just thought you'd like to know that. Training was fun and hard. Be up in a few. And don't worry, this is aint a one-post-stand. I'll be back :-)