Leylia's Nook

Ramblings of two cute dorks

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Dearest Leylia,

Here it is .....one am Valentine's Day, (well now it is officially the day after, but you know what I mean), and I am sitting at work waiting for the next Dispatcher to wake up and realize that she is supposed to be at work right now. Before I go home and get some sleep before my Anti-Valentine's party with Adam, I would like to tell you that I am dating the sweetest man alive. You probably already knew that, and in truth, so did I, but today he showed me, without even talking to me, that he misses me and loves me. Yes, she smiles, giving a resigned sigh, it is still true. I found out today - I am still one of those mushmelon-wearing-a-differnt-eyeliner-just-to-see-if-he-will-notice girls. I arrived at work at 4 pm today, had a fight with my boss, the President's driver, 2 students and my dear friend Jess, well confrontations, really, only to get one of the most beautiful bouquets of flowers I have ever seen. I am really excited that there are lots of buds, too, becuase they will bloom in my new apartment! The card that came with the flowers, you ask? Simply, 'Love, Chris'. Well, Leylia, I love him too.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Alright well I just wrote a huge, long update but now I will summarize because work decided to update our computer system and now I have absolutely no friggin' clue what I am doing.... Ironically, they also deleted all of the programs needed to do my job. Its kinda funny actually:
*ring* goes the switchboard phone
me: 'Good evening, Franklin Pierce'
caller: Can you connect me to '_____' (name of person caller is trying to reach)
me: 'Is that a student or staff member?'
caller: 'student'
*Dramatic pause while I ponder the correct respones that will A) Amuse me at 3:30 AM, B) not make caller swear at me, and C) allow me to keep my job*
me: (sample response) 'Oh, ok. Well, my computer has been reformatted so I no longer have the tools necessary to assist you. I can answer the phone still, as you can tell. My name is _____ (supply fake blond-sounding name, Barbie is my favorite). What's your name?'

Or better yet, Me: *click* (Yeah - I'm still laughing my as off at how many people hung up on me and vice versa!)

I can't wait until my boss comes in this morning. I'm not being sarcastic, its my Monday, so I really missed that certain purple vein bulging out of his neck! It makes me grin. Privately, of course.

I'm really not annoyed anymore. I find all of this inefficiency grossly amusing. I really do.

So, back to the post. Christopher came up to visit me in Hicksville, NH the weekend of January 21st and got snowed in with me because Boston closed. They got that much snow. I would have been jealous, but I live in the boonies of New Hampshire. Seeing thigh deep snow is as common as seeing a pine tree or me driving home to go to bed with the sun rising now. I managed to not say, well not so he could hear me, 'Oh gee, whatever will we do?' for like a day and a half. I'm still proud of that one. On Friday he asked me to be his girlfriend. I love that he didn't say 'again.' The big issue for me was that I hate, really HATE long distance relationships and I didn't want to miss him. All over again. Still. But I was already wrangling to give myself permission to miss him and the truth is...*small voice* I already did. We talked ALOT over those snowy days and we decided to take it slow, which gives me peace of mind. We do live in different states after all, with kinda separate lives. And only one of us has a license, *nudge, nudge*. Of course, I said "yes", how could I not? So we have a new anniversary and we kept toasting to 'new beginnings'. I feel loudly excited and quietly happy, if that makes any sense at all. Oh- and we went sledding.
Thanks for listening, err... reading Leylia.

PLUSES 4 the day: I got to see Christopher!
I played in the snow with Bosco! We jumped off of the picnic table into thigh deep snow at the same time.
MINUSES 4 the day: I had to say goodbye to Bosco, Momma and Christopher all in the same day.
I got no sleep for work, but I discovered a SOBE energy drink. Uh oh.

This quiz says that my DJ name is 'Earsplitting Star'. Every time I entered my name it was ____ star. Coincidence? Mom's is _____ God and Christopher's is _____ Cream. *wink*

DJ Quiz link: maybe it'll work *crosses fingers without much anticipation*

Quiz Me
Elizabeth spins tunes as
DJ Electric Star


WHOA! It worked!!!! Maybe I am kinda smart. (pronouced 'smaht' in Jersery Gurl fashion*) *sigh* I miss Christine.