Leylia's Nook

Ramblings of two cute dorks

Sunday, March 17, 2002

Alright.... so its been a few months. *Sigh* It seems that that is just the way it has to be. I don't like it, but until I become a laptop guru, hint=never, I will just have to deal. Here I am home once again from significant FPC and, as much as I love my big black moose (Bosco, my dog) I am ready to go back. Oh am I ready! Can you imagine actually complaining abput having to stay there over spring break? I would rejoice at such a torture.

Also, I miss Chris. Sometimes it is annoying to see him everyday, I know it is more than sometimes annoying for him, but I miss the little things. I miss the way he complains in his sleep when I have to pee at 3 am. I miss the way his hair never behaves itself, and the way his bony collarbone pokes me when we watch a movie. Now you know its weird when you miss that!

I like to think I am not fake. Its odd how, even when it try to be fake with him, it never works. He either sees right through it and we laugh, or what I thought was fake, turns out to be something I was hiding and needed to express. Thats just plain annoying. My "fake" self won't even let me hide! But enough psychobabble. I guess I am just another one of those mushmelon, googly-eyed, wearing a different eyeliner just to see if he will notice girls. *Sigh.* Mushmelon, but happy.