Leylia's Nook

Ramblings of two cute dorks

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Our anti-valentine's day was even better than I expected. It was like we were fourteen again, but in a good way. Adam took me to Camp Collier, and we stayed in the green cabin, just the two of us. He bought a TV with a DVD player in it so we could watch movies. Lame - I brought poetry! But, zoning is zoning. I am still not a fan of Halle Berry, but I have to admit, Catwoman is a good movie. There was more back story than the Michelle Pfifer film, which I enjoyed. We went sledding and stayed up until 4 am talking upstairs in our sleeping bags and Toaster peed on Adam in his sleeping bag overnight and I managed not to laugh at him. I know what's good for me! The best part was when Adam fell asleep on me and slept through half of the movie. No matter how old and bitter we get, he still feels like home.

On Tuesday, February 22nd, Rob and Kirstie finally had their baby boy! His name is Naaman , pronounced 'Naymahn'. Its Biblical. I didn't like it at first, but its growing on me. The poor kid is definitely a Wheeler baby so maybe he will make the name cool instead of suffering because of it. Maybe. I wish, with a huge lump at the back of my throat type wish, that Mum could see him. Ad had a picture in his phone of him, and, he actually doesn't suffer from the typical ugly baby syndrome. Maybe he is why she was in my dreams. She isn't anymore. I hope she comes back, she seems just as protective of us, Ad and I, as she was when she was alive. But, Nana got to hold him. I bet Mum was right there behind her, grinning like a fool and trying, unsuccessfully, not to cry. I miss her.

Christopher called me today and it was a wonderful surprise. I really hope he got, or gets, alone time soon so he can be him. He sounded upbeat today, and I have to say that it makes my day when he calls me unexpectedly. He has to make an effort to connect with me. There is nothing on earth like confirmation that he is thinking about me too.

The sky is seperated into lines of color and the winter trees don't look stark at all. There is light blue, then a whisper of pink and it alternates like that until a wispy line of violet. The flags are blowing in the wind, US of A and NH, and it looks like a good day.